Environmental Performance Indicator
Tools that inform greener master planning and design outcomes are drastically needed to address development challenges associated with rapid urbanisation and climate change.
Sprout Studio has developed an assessment tool that enables the evaluation of environmental performance of open space design propositions.
The tool factors in urban cooling, stormwater absorption, pollution removal and carbon sequestration.
The Environmental Performance Indicator or E.P.I, is an innovation in Landscape Architectural practice that proves highly valuable in ensuring high performing green spaces and greener outcomes in property development and land management.
Simple easy to read graphics articulate a range of environmental performance outputs at design development, design evaluation and optioneering phases.
The E.P.I was designed and built by Sprout Studio with assistance from software engineers in Australia and the United States.

The Metrics

How it Works
The E.P.I tool can be applied at varying scales and at various development phases including pre or post-development and/ or during the design phase.
Environmental data is extracted from Sprout Studio’s digital platform which organises data into metrics and converts it for presentation as clearly articulated graphic outputs.

The Outputs
The environmental performance data is organised into metrics and displayed via bar graphs. The graphs enable an objective, easy to read comparison of environmental performance across green open space options. Each bar on the graph represents a unique design proposition as well as the existing site pre-development.