Rydalmere Park
Location: Dharug
Client: The City of Parramatta
Open Space Design Lead: Sprout Studio
Civil: Northrop
Park Furniture: Mos Urban
Sports Fields: Ag Enviro Solutions
Builder: Western Earthmoving
Sprout Studio were engaged to deliver the Rydalmere park upgrade for the City of Parramatta. The design team led by Northrop took on a collaborative approach to resolve complex site levels, drainage design and an effective circulation and wayfinding strategy to facilitate a park upgrade with two soccer fields, cricket practise nets, cricket pitch, car parks, water harvesting system, spectator areas and informal play zones. Bespoke furniture and a number of unique landscape follies serving way finding, play opportunities and spectator areas on game days.
Substantial endemic under storey planting and canopy tree planting enhances biodiversity, shades carparks and establishes a green setting providing relief from the urban area.