Landscape Architecture Award 2019
The Sydney Street Shops was awarded the Landscape Architecture Award in the Small Project category at the 2019 NSW Institute of Landscape Architects Awards.
Jury Citation: “The jury commends the project for its skilful handling of a complex set of site issues and balancing of the diversity of stakeholder needs and desires. Sydney Street Shops demonstrates how small, well-considered and carefully executed design interventions can have significant outcomes. The project introduces a series of small interventions into the sidewalk that creatively tackle drainage, circulation, urban heat island effect issues while enhancing the area’s local character”.
We are delighted to accept this award on behalf of the project team including JOC Consulting (stakeholder engagement), Mos Urban (street furniture), Co-Ordinated Landscapes (contractor) and our client Penrith City Council.
Congratulations to all of this years award winners.
image credit: Pixel Media, Simon Wood Photography (news page)